We personalize shows for every occasion for whatever you may be hosting, such as corporate parties, conferences, confirmations, weddings, or something completely different. If you wish to have Copenhagen Drummers at your event, then contact us through the information below. Anything is possible. No event is too big or too small.
Anything is possible. No event is too big or too small.
General Manager:
Morten Specht

Copenhagen Drummers spiller til firmaevents, private arrangmenter, festivaller og alt hvad der ligger der i mellem.
"Throughout the years I have used CPH Drummers for different events in our house – each time has been a huge success, because CPH Drummers has something special. They can kick off anniversary parties with fire, water, and smoke and a show that is so completed and professional that leaves you completely blown away. We have also used them as kick offs for big conferences, where it is about enabling the participants to battle against each other in a drum battle, or as team building where all guests with expert guidance stand in the dark and drum on oil barrels with luminescent drumsticks… either way CPH have delivered and surprised. I can only give them my very best recommendations, and I am already looking forward to the next time I get the pleasure of booking them, because they are skilled at developing their show so there is always new and exciting things on the way.”
- Elke Preisler, Event- & Marketingchef, Messe C, Fredericia
"Fantastic professional team, that delivers a sharp show, which is bursting with energy,
entertainment, and has lots of ”wow-factor” involved. They understand how to give their
audience an experience that surprises and captures! Their flexible approach to organizing the event with the guests in focus makes the collaboration with Copenhagen Drummers easy and we hope to have the opportunity to see them again soon."
- Maria Munkebo, Meeting Designerchef, Comwell, Kellers Park
"We have used Copenhagen Drummers several times with great success. They are very professional and quickly capture what the customer wants. They always show up prepared and with the goal to please the customer. They are a pleasure to work with and none the less to listen to. I highly recommend Copenhagen Drummers."
- Tina Bruhn-Rasmussen, Head of Event Operations & Senior Project Manager, Eventually

Copenhagen Drummers plays for corporate events, confirmations, family celebrations and festivals.
"Jeg har gennem flere år brugt CPH Drummers til forskellige events i vores hus – hver eneste gang har været en kæmpe succes, fordi CPH drummers kan noget helt særligt. De kan sparke gang i jubilæums-fester med ild, vand og røg og et show der er så gennemført og professionelt at man er helt blown away.
Jeg kan kun give dem mine allerbedste anbefalinger, og jeg glæder mig allerede til næste gang jeg får fornøjelsen af at booke dem, for de er dygtige til at udvikle deres show så der altid er nyt og spændende på vej."
- Elke Preisler, Event- & Marketingchef, Messe C, Fredericia
"Fantastic professional team, that delivers a sharp show, which is bursting with energy,
entertainment, and has lots of ”wow-factor” involved. They understand how to give their
audience an experience that surprises and captures! Their flexible approach to organizing the event with the guests in focus makes the collaboration with Copenhagen Drummers easy and we hope to have the opportunity to see them again soon."
- Maria Munkebo, Meeting Designerchef, Comwell, Kellers Park
"We have used Copenhagen Drummers several times with great success. They are very professional and quickly capture what the customer wants. They always show up prepared and with the goal to please the customer. They are a pleasure to work with and none the less to listen to. I highly recommend Copenhagen Drummers."
- Tina Bruhn-Rasmussen, Head of Event Operations & Senior Project Manager, Eventually